End to End DNSSEC using Unbound

Configure the high-performing recursive Unbound DNS server with DNSSEC validation on Linux.

Given all the hoopla surrounding the topic of DNSSEC, it's definitely time to get prepared for it. After all, the last of the root name servers ( J-ROOT ) will all be serving a Deliberately Unvalidatable Root Zone or (DURZ) by May 5th. On July 1st however, there will be distribution of a validatable, production, signed root zone. Signing of the root zone is key for creating the "chain of trust" or a secure delegation hierarchy. DNSSEC securely signed zones vouch for their children's keys, but...


10 Reasons to use Unbound

/ DNS, DNSSEC, Unbound

Unbound DNS

Unbound is an open standards high-performing validating, recursive, caching DNS resolver.

Unbound is a validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver. Unbound is developed and currently maintained by NLnet Labs, a non-profit, public benefit foundation. It is based on the ideas and algorithms taken from a Java prototype developed by Verisign Labs, Nominet, Kirei, and ep.net.  Unbound was released to the public in May 2008 under the BSD Licensing model which allows its use in other products without any major restrictions. In this article, we’ll discuss ten (10) reasons to use Unbound...