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The ISC has issued an Operation Notification for BIND 9.16.0 - An error in handling TCP client quota limits can exhaust TCP connections.


In the previous blog article announcing BIND 9.16.0, it was discussed that significant work was done to modernize BIND's networking framework to use libuv, a multi-platform C library that provides async I/O on event loops. Unfortunately, as a result of that work, there was an issue introduced in the code that enforces TCP client quota limits. The issue in the code is that there are situations where the TCP client count is not properly...


ISC Bind 9 Logo

ISC releases BIND 9.16.0 as a stable release - Here's an inside look at what's new, changed and dropped from the latest stable version of BIND.

Bind 9.16.0 was recently released by the ISC and announced Feb. 19, 2020. The BIND 9.15 experimental branch of code has been deemed complete, stable and production worthy, making BIND 9.16 a stable branch of BIND. The ISC has adopted (as of BIND 9.13 and 9.14) an odd-unstable vs even-stable release numbering convention. This BIND 9.16.0 release is characterized using the following three (3) criteria:

  • major code refactoring
  • new featu...